
The conservation of area

Math is tricky.

The area of this rectangle is 90.

There is a definition. You divide two triangles with total area 90 into four triangles with total area greater than 92, and this will imply that an area of 90 is larger than an area of 92.

90>92. This is ridiculous. Zen monks like these questions.

I follow the definition, and you see four triangles. 10×9 is the same area. Then you create two rectangles.

X is almost 2, but you can't measure it. 2*X looks like a square. If X is 2, the total area of these rectangles are (8×11)+(2×2)=88+4=92

However, X is Φ, which is the natural greedy heuristic.

The conservation of area isn't empty. X≠1.8. You can't break the rule. X>2.

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